Sunday, January 31, 2010

Who's next?

What book is next?

I heart you all.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Potato Peel Pie....

My sister, Catie, has my copy of this book so I can't really think of any great discussion questions, but I'm in the mood for some Merced communicado so I'm posting anyway.

I remember really liking the format right away. It was fun to read the letters and after I finished the book I spent a whole week writing actual letters to people that actually went in the mail. I hope to do more of that.

I also really like the main girl's editor and wished the whole time that they would fall in love.

I immediately fell in love with the plot and the girl's life and work and then I really cautiously tried to back up and not be so sentimental and give myself time to see if I really liked her or if I thought she was too over the top. You know what I mean by over the top?

It's no secret that I'm a dreamer, but sometimes I have these waves of practicality. Sometimes I think it's my fear of realizing my dreams and sometimes I think it's just practicality.

When I found myself identifying and falling in love with the main girl (who's name I can't even remember) I thought it was so fun and how great that everything was working out for her and she met all these really great people and did these amazing things for their souls and those kinds of things, but then I stepped back because I was nervous that I was being too idealistic or something.

The nerves came from thinking about what other people would think of me being in love with her carefree yet meaningful lifestyle.

So that's all I really have to say about the book because I don't have my copy. Please share your own reactions from the book and I want to hear people's reactions about what I wrote, because am I crazy to think like that?

I heart you all!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year! 2010 is gonna rock!

Hey ladies. I hope you all had a fun holiday season. Can you believe it is 2010? Remember how ten years ago we were rockin' out at the Merced stake center hoping that our computers at home weren't going to implode due to Y2K complications? I can't believe how fast time goes!!
So did anybody read "The Hunger Games"? Tim and I read it on our drive to Chicago and we both loved it. I know December is busy for everyone, so if you didn't get a chance to read it, I'd still recommend you read it sometime (preferably before the movie comes out, Tim says they are making the movie). If anyone else read it I'll post some questions or thoughts, but if not I'll just keep them to myself.
I started the potato peel book and so far so good! I'm reading it on our new Amazon Kindle that Tim's parents gave us for Christmas. I wasn't sure if I'd like this little gadget, but it is turning out to be really cool.