Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year, re-dedicated to our book club!

Hi Friends! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (almost)! I am writing this post from Merced, CA and I couldn't be happier writing from here. I LOVE MERCED! I LOVE HOME! AND I LOVE FAMILY! I am finding myself a lot more sentimental and gushy lately, haha, I wonder why. I think it is my turn to pick a book. I got this book for Christmas and have been wanting to read it for awhile. I saw the movie years ago and have been wanting to read the book but never got around to it: The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay. I can't find a short summary so if you'd like to read one you can go here. The storyline follows a man from childhood to adulthood and portrays the different obstacles he overcomes. I have been so in the mood for an amazing story of triumph, I love those. Let me know if you have read it and if most have we can maybe choose a different one. Yay for our book club!